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Terms to Know: Emphasis, Point of View, and Language

  • Give an example of a passive voice construction, and then change it to active. Make sure your example is not from the book.
  • Describe a situation in which passive voice is effective.
  • Explain two of the three types of stylistic subordination.
  • Give an example of how subordination can be used to change emphasis.
  • What kinds of grammatical units can be made parallel? How should you make them parallel?
  • Besides being parallel in structure, good list elements should conform to a series of rules. Explain two from the Writer's Checklist.
  • How, according to the Writer's Checklist, should a list be introduced?
  • What are four good ways to achieve emphasis?
  • Is using "I" ever appropriate in business communication? When is it preferable and when not?
  • When is "we" better than "I"?
  • What ethical issues arise when you use abstract words, technical or legal jargon, and euphemisms?
  • Give three examples of redundant modifiers.
  • Give an examples of a padded phrase from this reading; then give one from the more on redundancy handout.
  • What are the non-sexist alternatives to "male nurse," "foreman," and "man and wife"?
  • What are two ways to avoid sexist pronouns without the cumbersome "his or her"/ "he or she"?
  • What other kinds of bias should you avoid in workplace language?
  • Give an example of nominalization (adding prefixes and suffixes to simple words)?
  • What is one cause of affectation?
  • What are three ways to avoid affectation (see checklist)?
  • When is it okay to use a highly technical term?
  • Explain two types of workplace jargon.
  • How many stages of review should you use to proofread a document?
  • At what proofreading stage should you correct for abbreviations, capitalization, and proper names?
  • At what proofreading stage should you check for consistent use of fonts and headings?
  • Give an example of a special red flag from the red flags handout.
  • Give an example from under the heading "red flag usage" from the red flags handout.
  • From under the heading "not-ever words and usages" from the red flags handout, provide the less wordy alternatives to these words or phrases: "prior to," "in order to," "upon," and "utilize."



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