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Quiz guide Galileo's Telescope Prologue 15-32

  • What is the "object" referred to in paragraph 1? How is it described by optics experts?
  • What are some of the things we know about Galileo's "extant telescopes?"
  • Why is this book "a crime story"?
  • What does "sidereus nuncius" mean?
  • 1610 marked anew way of "seeing" and "knowing." What does that mean?
  • The author describes a challenge between philosophers "in libris" and the new producers of knowledge. What does that mean? (You may need to Google....)
  • Who are some of the "leading players in this story," according to the author?
  • What are some of the channels through which the news spread?
  • With what did the Archduke of Austria fill his new royal palace?
  • Who was Breughel, and what is "unique" about his painting of the Archduke?
  • What was the "secret to Lipperhey's success"?
  • According to the map on page 33, what happened to the spyglass between September 1608 and August 1609?
  • What happened because of "enormous interest in the spyglass's military applications"?
  • Who were some of the alleged "fathers" in the battle over "paternity of the spyglass." Explain.
  • What does Bentivoglio say about the spy glass?
  • Who was Giulio Mancini, and what did he say about the spy glass?
  • What does Della Porta say about the spyglass?
  • What is new about the use to which Thomas Harriot puts the spyglass?

Essay: The author suggests that "places are archives of the truth they have witnessed." Explain what you think he means by this, with reference to a place well known to you.



Dr. Mary Adams, instructor
last updated 26-feb-18