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Terms or Ideas to Learn  
  • How does Israel's story "begin and end" in Mesopotamia?
  • What biblical ideas reflect a Mesopotamian influence?
  • Discuss at least one important invention of the Sumerians.
  • Why is the excavation of tels useful to archeologists (Box 3.1)?
  • What was Etemananki?
  • Discuss two biblical episodes that describe ziggurats.
  • What is one explanation of the name of Mt Sinai?
  • What is the significance to scholars of the royal archives of Ebla?
  • How do we know Israel knew the stories of Gilgamesh?
  • What becomes of Gilgamesh's quest for eternal life? who consoles him, and how?
  • How do most biblical writers before the second century BCE describe the afterlife?
  • Describe one similarity and one difference between the code of Hammurabi and Moses' law.
  • Briefly describe the New Kingdom's connection to Canaan/Israel.
  • During the New Kingdom (18th and 19th Egyptian dynasties), we see references in corrrespondence (Amara letters) and a victory stele to Canaan and Israel. Describe one such reference.
  • Describe one possible Egyptian contribution to the Israelites.
  • What geographical features made Israel a particularly vulnerable "land bridge" between other, more powerful kingdoms?
  • Palestine's "division into four discrete regions" (Hill Country, Coastal Plain, Jordan Rift Valley, and Transjordan) had several consequences in terms of internal divisions in Israel. Describe one.
  • The Assyrian steles and archives give us our first extra-biblical references to Israelite rulers mentioned in Kings. Name three.
  • The Babylonian exile (587-538) represented the high point of biblical scholarship. Besides the Torah, what other biblical texts were revised in exile? What themes did the revisions reflect?
  • Why does the Torah end where it does, according to the book?
  • What empires controlled Israel during the Second Temple period?
  • Hellenism (Greek influence from 323 BCE to the common era) caused many cultural changes in Israel. Name one.
  • What New Testament works were composed after the descruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE?