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Terms or Ideas to Learn  

Gospel of Mark (note: t his quiz guide is based on the gospel itself, not Harris)

  • What does the Holy Spirit do after it identifies Jesus as "The Son"?
  • What quality distinguishes Jesus's teaching from that of the scribes?
  • Who or what is first to call Jesus "the Holy One of God"?
  • Who has problems with Jesus healing a paralytic?
  • What is Jesus's response when the Pharisees ask why he is eating with sinners?
  • Summarize one of the three parables Jesus uses to justify not fasting on the sabbath.
  • What does Jesus say when his mother and brothers visit him?
  • Why, according to Jesus, does he speak in parables?
  • In the country of the Gerasenes, Jesus meets a wild man. What are his symptoms, and what is the name of his "unclean spirit"?
  • When Jesus heals the "demoniac" by sending his spirit into swine, why does this frighten the people?
  • Jesus cures a woman who has had hemorrhages for how many years? How old is the little girl he cures after her?
  • Why can't Jesus cure in his home town?
  • In the first "wilderness feeding," how many baskets of bread are left over? How many baskets are left over after the second "wilderness feeding"?
  • How do the disciples react when Jesus walks on water?
  • Why does the author explain the Jews' ritual washing of hands, utensils, etc?
  • What, according to Jesus, does and does not defile?
  • How does Jesus react when a gentile wishes to be cured?
  • What does the first blind man say after Jesus partially cures him?
  • This gospel likes to "sandwich" related material between two symbolic events. Name two things that the disciplines are "blind" to between the accounts of the first blind man and the second blind man.
  • Why, according to the footnote, does Jesus ride into Jerusalem on a colt?
  • What does Jesus do when he first gets to the temple?
  • Between the first fig-tree reference (11:13) and the second (13:28) Jesus tells a vineyard parable. What is the point of this vine-yard parable, and why might it be placed inside two fig-tree references?
  • In this gospel, Jesus refers to two commandments as most important. What are these?
  • In Chapter 13, Jesus refers to familiar apocalyptic imagery. Give some examples.
  • Jesus refers to his "father" in Aramaic using what word?
  • After the disciples flee, a young man follows Jesus wearing an interesting costume. What happens?
  • In this gospel, what are Jesus's last words, and how does the crowd interpret them?
  • Who tries to annoint Jesus's dead body?
  • How does the original ending of this text differ from the other two? Why might these alternate endings have been composed?