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Renaissance Background

Important Issues for the Renaissance

Rise of the city-state in Italy
Solidification of aristocratic system; system of patronage

  1. Courtly ideal of the middle class artist
  2. Elizabeth as central of court patronage system
  3. Platonic love metaphor for courtier/patron relationship.
  4. Rise of merchant class and middle class mobility.
  5. Renewed contact with eastern empire (under moslem control) and rediscovery of classical texts
  6. Humanism--new emphasis on the SECULAR (vs. the sacred) seen in literature and art.
  7. Protestant Reformation and religious conflict throughout Europe.
  8. Professionalization of the Theater.
  9. Politics: A Mirror for Magistrates. New interest in the role of kingship.
  10. Nationalism/ Capitalism/ Individualism/ Originality (correspondent values).
  11. Forms:
  • Verse
    • Sonnet. Calendar. Lyric. Verse drama (closet drama).
    • Epithalamium.
    • Pastoral, epic.
  • Prose
    • Political tracts and literary criticism (Sidney).
    • Drama
    • Pastoral, urban, tragedy, comedy, tragicomedy, history.


Mary Adams