TOT 55-90 plus Genesis 25-36
- What are the primary preoccupations of J?
- Describe someone who is "cursed from the soil."
- In a non-biblical parallel to the flood story, why did God punish mankind?
- What is one example of a motif or story that is repeated (doublet)?
- How does the narrative "crudely denigrate" the surrounding nations? Give an example.
- What three things are promised to Abraham's descendants in the narrative?
- How is God's promise fulfilled "in a complex and indirect way"? Give an example.
- Give an example of ortsgebundenheit associated with the city of Shechem.
- What literary strategy may have been used to unite the unrelated tribes of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob into a single family?
- Box 6.2 reads the "binding of Isaac" story as an etiology. Explain.
- Describe some elements of the Canaanite (Ugaritic) Kirta epic that also occur in the bible.
- What are two stylistic features of Canaanite poetry mentioned in Box 6.5?
- Which woman's story shows "dramatic examples of how the matriarchs are active participants in the narrative"? Explain.
- Give an example of endogamy in the bible.
- Before Exodus, how does each source (J, E, and P) refer to God?
- How do place names in Genesis tell us that El was probably an older god than Yahweh?
Essay: choose 1
- In genesis, God makes a covenant with Abraham four times (12:2-3; 15 (esp 15:9); 17:1-22; 22:15-18). Compare either the one in 15 or the one in 17 with the one in 22.
- Talk about at least two characters who experience exile or homelessness in Genesis.
- Describe two direct encounters Jacob has with God.