English 571 is a graduate course offered by Western Carolina Univesity
at the UNCA campus.
Wk |
Dt |
Topic |
Homework for the next class |
1 |
25-Aug |
Introduction |
For next class:
2 |
1-Sep |
Whitman, Dickinson, Hardy
For next class:
- Perkins v1 100-102; 119-131; 227-251; 565-602
- Rosenthal 122-145
- Norton v1 104-143; 162-171; 201-225
- Downloads (while books are "in transit")
3 |
8-Sep |
Robinson, Frost, Yeats |
For next class:
- Everdell 321-345
- Perkins v1 449-489 (Pound); 527-564 (Moore and Williams); [optional v2 on Williams and Pound]
- Norton 1 176-186 (Tender Buttons and Picasso); 921-926; 268-273; 283-307 ("Young Housewife," "Danse Russe," "Portrait of a Lady," "Spring & All," "Burning the Christmas Greens," and "Paterson" 302-7; Pound 345-387 (PPortrait d'une Femme," "Pact," "In a Station..." "River Merchant's Wife," Cantos I & CXVI, and see also "Retrospect" 929-933; Moore 430-454 ("Black Earth," "The Fish," "Poetry," "Octopus," "What are Years")
4 |
15-Sep |
Stein, Loy, Pound, Moore,and Williams
For next class:
- Everdell 127-141;241-251
- Perkins on Stevens, Eliot, and Auden (vol2) (optional: Eliot part 2)
- Norton v1 Stevens 235-268 ("Thirteen Ways," "Anecdote of a Jar," "Snow Man," "Idea of Order at Key West," "Postcard from the Volcano," "Man on the Dump,"); 460-6; Eliot 472-495 (Love Song, Wasteland, Sweeney); Auden 783-810 ("Musee des Beaux Arts," "Who's Who," "As I Walked Out One Evening," "In Memory of WB Yeats," "Unknown Citizen," "In Memory of Sigmund Freud," "Shield of Achilles," "New Year Greeting")
5 |
22-Sep |
*Stevens, *Auden, Eliot
For next class (readings will be up by Friday):
6 |
29-Sep |
*Millay, MacNeice, MacDiarmid, *Hughes
For next class:
- Everdell 303-321;
- Rosenthal 314-330
- Perkins v2 367-374; 614-616; 633-37 (pdf) (I included the section on Ashberry; it's helpful, if you have time...)
- Norton v.1 & 2: Poetry of Crane, Roethke, Ammons
7 |
6-Oct |
*Crane, *Roethke, Ammons
For next class:
8 |
13-Oct |
*Bishop, *Thomas, Brooks |
Take-home midterm
For next class:
- Perkins v2 396-403; 404-417; 588-600
- Poetry (all v. 2)
9 |
20-Oct |
*Berryman, *Lowell, Sexton, Plath |
For next class:
- Perkins v2 553-587
- Poetry (all v2)
10 |
27-Oct |
*Wright, *Merwin, Bly, Simic, Snyder
For next class:
11 |
3-Nov |
12 |
10-Nov |
*Ginsberg, *Rich, Baraka, Walcott
For next class:
13 |
17-Nov |
*Wilbur, *Larkin, Kumin, Justice, Hacker |
For next class:
14 |
24-Nov |
15 |
1-Dec |
*Heaney, *Boland, Hass, Gluck, Doty |
For next class:
16 |
8-Dec |
Komunyakaa, Rios, Lee, Alexie, Byer |
final |
15-Dec |