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Kernan Chapter 3: The King's Perogative and the Law (Measure for Measure, Whitehall, December 26, 1604)

  1. What was the Hampton Court Conference of Christmas, 1604?
  2. Who wished his master "read fewer [books] than he doth"?
  3. What news laws were put in place because of the Hampton Court Conference?
  4. Who said, "No bishop,no king," and why?
  5. What Whitehall entertainments did James attend twice a week?
  6. King James was said to wonder "why my ancestors should ever have permitted such an institution to come into existence." Which institution, and why?
  7. In what way, according to Kernan, was the King like Measure for Measure's "duke of dark corners"?
  8. What kind of things did James dislike about Sir Walter Raleigh in 1603?
  9. Who oversaw Sir Walter's 1603 trial?
  10. Who, and in what capacity, accused Sir Walter Raleigh of being a "vile viper" and Spanish pensioner?
  11. What do we know about the chief justice at Raleigh's trial?
  12. Describe how the sentences imposed on Raleigh and two priests (for being involved in the Arabella Stuart scandal) were carried out.
  13. To what did Dudley Carleton compare the carrying out of Raleigh's sentence?
  14. What Jacobean statutes involved the death penalty?
  15. Who are some of the supporters Raleigh gained after his trial. How did they show their support?
  16. How did the King's Men get in trouble in December 1604?
  17. To what new masque did the Privy counsel object in December 1604,and why?
  18. What happens to those who follow truth "too near the heels," according to Raleigh? How did the King's Men avoid that with Measure for Measure?
  19. When asked to show himself to his subjects at more processionals like his 1603-4 triumphal march into London, what was King James's response?
  20. How did King James honor Sir Phillip Herbert's marriage to Lady Susan Vere?
  21. Whose power struggle involved the King's Men that season? How?
  22. What problems resulted from the performance of Jonson's first masque?
  23. Besides Merchant of Venice, what other play did James attend twice? Why?
Dr. Mary Adams, instructor
last updated 16-jan-20