English 609 is a graduate course offered by Western Carolina Univesity
in Cullowhee, NC.
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Topic (Note, anything with an ansterisk appear on a quiz) |
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19-Aug |
Four levels of poetry; the sensory level
Reading for next week: Descriptive poems, list
- Poet's Companion, 85-103*
- Addonzio, Ordinary Genius, chapters 1-5, 30 and Mayes, chapter 3: Images* (See Blackboard)
- From Autumn House Anthology*: Cramer, "Benevolence of the Butcher," Fairchild, "Photograph of the Titanic,"Hales, "The Rich," "Kooser, "Laundry," Merwin, "No," Seibles, "Latin"
- Online: "In a station of the Metro,""At the
Fishhouses*"; "By the Road to the Contagious Hospital*,""The Beautiful Changes,",
"Lying in a Hammock," "Above
Pate Valley*"
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26-Aug |
Four levels of poetry;
sonic level, ideational
level (myth)
Reading for next week: sonic level
- Poet's Companion*, 104-114; 56-63
- Addonzio, 6-10, and Mayes, chapter 2 sound* (see Blackboard)
- Autumn House anthology*: Yona Harvey, Blessing Blue Crabs; Kumin, February; Kay Ryan, Blandeur; Vollmer, Early Snow
- Online: sound: Heaney, Follower*; Bishop, The Bight*; Hopkins, Windhover; The Seafarer; Lux, Time*; Fulton, About Face
Writing Homework: post a poem on the first discussion board. Write a poem describing a collections of old objects, a old photograph you have some connection to but don't know well, or a landscape, a list on things on your desk (or some other list), a poem using specialized vocabulary (like quilting), or an object (like an old boat) described as your parents--or choose another topic.
Respond to the three workshop poems plus at least three others. Try to make sure everyone gets responded to. |
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2-Sep |
Discussion of the sonic poems
Workshopping (use this prompt):
Reading for next week: Myth/ persona poems
- Seshadri: 3 Sections (Winner of National Book Award)
- Use this worksheet to make your way through the book (I will collect your worksheet after you use it for discussion)
- Online, myth (all these*): Collier
"Argos", Tennyson,
"Ulysses"; Yeats
"Leda"; Wright,
"Saint Judas"; Atwood
"Siren's song", Stevens, "The
World as Meditation", Sexton, Her Kind*, Gluck, Gretel in Darkness (or here); Pinksy, Childhood of Jesus; Adams, Cerberus at the SPCA
- Look up the Myths:
Writing Homework: Try a sonic poem that uses sounds. |
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9-Sep |
Discussion of mythic poems.
Workshopping (use this prompt):
Revision: Yeats at Work.
Reading for Next week:
Poetry Readings for next week: syllabics and stress prosody examples
Poetry readings for next week (Voice, Directives, and other kinds of persona poems)
- Online: Homer, Odyssey
Excerpt; Frost, Directive*;
Ash, Road
to Ogalma; Wilbur, Advice
to a Prophet; Merwin, For
A Comng Extinction*; Denis Johnson, The
White Fires of Venus*; Hardy, Channel
Firing; Donne, Holy
Sonnet; Lindsay, Tell the Bees*; Girmay, Consider the Hands; de la Torre, How to Look at Mexican Highways*
- Essay: Frost's Prime Directive
Writing Homework: Try a "myth" poem or poem from the point of view of a fictional or historical character. |
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16-Sep |
Four levels of poetry: sonic level (accentual prosody and syllabic prosody)
Workshopping (use this prompt):
Reading for next week: repeating forms
Poet's Companion 151-170
Poetry Reading for next week Sestinas
Online: Other repeating forms
Writing homework: Try a directive. Try a poem using either syllabic or stress prosody. |
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23-Sep |
Reading for next week:
- Gluck, Faithful and Virtuous Night
- Addonzio 28 (pp 237-49)
- article: Scan and variation
- How to scan
iambic pentameter poems for next week:
Online "St
Crispin's Day" speech by Shakespeare (and hear Kenneth Branagh say it);
Coleridge, Frost at Midnight; Browning, "The
Bishop Orders his Tomb;" Frost, "Mending Wall""Home Burial"; "Birches*," Stevens, "Idea of Order at Key West*," Wilbur, "Lying*," Stafford "Traveling," Merrill "Charles on Fire, Rich "Living in Sin,*" Nemerov, Gyroscope, Stanford, Private Autumn
Writing Homework: Write a sestina |
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30-Sep |
Iambic Pentameter
- Gluck: Faithful and Virtuous Night
Ideational level: Other arts
Reading for next week: Ekphrasis
Homework: Required Assignment: Blank
verse (at least 20 lines) |
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7-Oct |
Discussion: Poems about Art
Readings for Next Week
- Bly's Leaping Poetry (selections)* see Blackboard
- Poet's Companion: 129-138 ("Stop Making Sense")
Procedural poems for next week:
- Language poetry and "method" poetry
- Found Poetry
- Activities:
Homework: Write a poem about art (or choose your own topic) |
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14-Oct |
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21-Oct |
Billy Collins, "Workshop,"
Discussion: Procedural poems
For next week: Rhyming forms and the Ghazal
- More in the way of explanation
- Ghazal
net (online site of ghazals in English)
- Another
site with ghazals; more explanations
- Sonic level: kinds of rhyme
- Typographical level: Stanzas, strophes, verse
Reading for next week (these poems are either
ghazals or they use rhyme in ways that disguise
it or transform it)
- Hiding the Rhyme (My
- Online: Auden, Musee des beaux arts (again) and Shield of Achilles; Hecht, More Light ; Kumin, "Noted
in the NY Times"; Edward Taylor, Upon a spider catching a fly; Longellow, Lost Youth; Frost, To Earthward; Marianne
Moore, Feed Me Also, River God; Millay, Rendezvous;
Hughes, Harlem; Bishop The Shampoo and a nice discussion of it;Swenson, The Wave and the Dune Wilbur, The Beautiful
Changes; Herbert, Man and The
Collar; Owen, Futility;
Wilbur, Advice
to a prophet (again) and Cottage
Street 1953; Yeats, Cuchulain
Comforted; Hopkins, Bugler's First
Communion, To
What Serves Mortal Beauty; Yeats "Wild
Swans at Coole"; Herbert, Baptism, Hardy, At
Castle Boterel; Donne, Valediction:
of Weeping; Bogan, Medusa
- Rhymed form: ghazals (with an archive of Urdu Ghazals)
- Online: Ali, Even the Rain; Clark, Riverside
Ghazal; Heather McHugh Ghazal (kind of loose); Cole, Ghazal of What hurt
Homework: Write a procedural or "Found" poem (or choose your own topic) |
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28-Oct |
Discussion: tapping
the unconscious and Bly's Leaping Poetry
Turco discussion: Sonic level rhyme
- iding the Rhyme (My
- Online: Auden, Musee des beaux arts (again) and Shield of Achilles; Hecht, More Light ; Kumin, "Noted
in the NY Times"; Edward Taylor, Upon a spider catching a fly; Longellow, Lost Youth; Frost, To Earthward; Marianne
Moore, Feed Me Also, River God; Millay, Rendezvous;
Hughes, Harlem; Bishop The Shampoo and a nice discussion of it;Swenson, The Wave and the Dune Wilbur, The Beautiful
Changes; Herbert, Man and The
Collar; Owen, Futility;
Wilbur, Advice
to a prophet (again) and Cottage
Street 1953; Yeats, Cuchulain
Comforted; Hopkins, Bugler's First
Communion, To
What Serves Mortal Beauty; Yeats "Wild
Swans at Coole"; Herbert, Baptism, Hardy, At
Castle Boterel; Donne, Valediction:
of Weeping; Bogan, Medusa
- Rhymed form: ghazals (with an archive of Urdu Ghazals)
- Online: Ali, Even the Rain; Clark, Riverside
Ghazal; Heather McHugh Ghazal (kind of loose); Cole, Ghazal of What hurt
Reading for next week:
Homework: write a ghazal or a poem that borrows a form or rhyme strategy (varied line length, enjambment, half rhyme, internal rhyme, etc.) from another poem (make sure that it rhymes and that you observe some of the rules of hiding rhyme). |
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4-Nov |
Readings for Next Week: Elegies and Animals
- Turco: 148-149
- Online Dickinson, 328; Frost, Oven
Bird, Design;Jeffers, Fire on the Hills; Cummings "my father moved..."
; Bishop Roosters; Merwin, For the anniversary; Dickey, The Heaven of Animals ; Gioia, Planting a Sequoiah; O'Hara, The Day Lady Died; James Wright, A Blessing; Kees For
My Daughter; Tate, The Lost Pilot; Ryan, Home to Roost
- Online: Broughton, Song
for Sampson, Levine, Animals
are passing from our lives; Hardy, Last
Words to a Dumb Friend and At
Castle Boterel; Bishop, North
Haven, Millay from To
Elinor Wylie; Roethke, Elegy
for Jane; Auden, Elegy for W.B. Yeats, Justice, Psalm
& Lament; Smart, Jubilate
Agno; Dickey, Dusk
of Horses
- A small selection of Nature Poems: Hopkins, Windhover;
Snyder, Above
Pate Valley; Wendell Berry ( an interview);
Mary Oliver Wild Geese
homework: Write a sapphic (or choose another topic) |
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11-Nov |
Sonic level: pantoums and villanelles (read for next week)
- AHA:
- Pantoums (a
- Funkhouser, First
Pantoum of Summer
- Cramer, Everyone
who Left Us
- Kizer, Parent's
- Fagan, Saloon
- Cathy Barber, The
- Justice, Pantoum
of the Great Depression
- Stewart, Punk
Pantoum (note the white text--copy and
paste into Word, then print it)
- Jendi Reiter, Pantoum (scroll down to it)
- Feinfeld, The
Pantoum (about pantoums...)
- Verlaine, Pantoum
Negligé (for those who can read
- Stallings, Another Lullaby for Insomniacs
- Villanelle (a
definition with examples including Thomas,
Do Not Go Gentle...
- Another definition with most
of the classic examples including Bishop,
Art of Losing; Roethke, I Wake to Sleep
- E.A. Robinson, The
House on the Hill
- Wilde, Theocritus:
A Villanelle
- Auden, Villanelle (in there with some others)
- Justice, Villanelle
at Sundown
- Disch, Rapist's
Villanelle (scroll down) and Entropic
Villanelle (scroll down)
- Williams, Villanelle
for the Cows
- Kumin, The
Nuns of Childhood
- Cramer, Villanelle
After Burial
- de los Santos, For a Stillborn
- Terza Rima and Terzanelle
- Terza Rima Examples:
Homework: Write an elegy or animal poem (or choose another topic) |
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18-Nov |
Exercise: Narrative into poem
Speech Acts: the manner of expression (as opposed to the content). Examples of speech acts include: question, promise, plea, declaration, prayer, offer, warning, advice, call, chant, oath, thank, apologize, and command. Others: deictics: "Over here!" "See you soon."
sonic level: sonnets and fourteeners, including nonce sonnets
HomeworK: Write one of the following: pantoum, villanelle, terzanelle, triolet, or sonnet (required if you didn't write a sapphic) or choose another topic |
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25-Nov |
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2-Dec |
Ideational level: ars poetica;
literature and language
William Matthews Inspiration 980
By next Tuesday, send or bring a portfolio with a preface or ars poetica (poem about poetry) at the beginning. |
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9-Dec |
Portfolio due; Poetry Reading |