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Quiz: Gospel of John

  • Chapter 2 relates Jesus's first trip to Jerusalem. What does he do there?
  • When Jesus says he will "raze the temple," what does he really mean? Who understands him?
  • In Jesus's night interview with Nicodemus, he says something famous. Look up at least three contrasting translations of John 3:3. Transcribe them here. Include The Message and NRSV.
  • Describe one form of duality (contrast) in Chapter 3.
  • The Samaritan woman (chapter 4) asks Jesus at least three questions. Explain how he answers one of them. Would you call it a direct answer?
  • Chapter 5 (Jerusalem) is structured as a trial in which the Pharisees accuse Jesus of violating the sabbath. How would his answer stand up in court today?
  • In chapter 6 (Galilee--loaves and fishes) Jesus compare his miracle to Noah's but shows his is superior. How?
  • In chapter 7:32-37 (back in Jerusalem at the festival of booths), Jesus says, "you will search for me, but you will not find me; and where I am, you cannot come." What do the Pharisees think he means?
  • In Chapter 8, the Pharisees accuse Jesus of blasphemy. They offer evidence against him: "You are a Samaritan, and have a demon." How might that be considered evidence of blasphemy?
  • In chapter 9, a formerly blind man testifies on Jesus's behalf. What evidence does he present that Jesus is "from God?" How do the Pharisees discredit him?
  • Why don't Mary (probably not the mother of Jesus or Mary Magdalen) and Martha want to move the stone in chapter 11?
  • Who complains when Mary annoints Jesus's feet with a pound of perfume? Why?
  • In chapter 14, Jesus tells Peter that he can follow after him. What is Peter's objection?
  • In chapter 15, Jesus gives one "commandment." What is it?
  • Compare some translations, including the World English bible, of Jesus's response to the soldiers' questions in 18:5.
  • In 13:23 and 19:26, the gospel refers to a "disciple whom Jesus loved." What does Jesus say to this disciple?
  • After dressing Jesus's body, where do Joseph and Nicodemus lay it?
  • Who first sees Jesus alive in chapter 20?
  • In chapter 21, what does Jesus predict for Peter?
  • Chapter 21:4 gives evidence that the gospel is true. What evidence?



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