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Quiz guide: Gospel of Matthew

  • The opening genealogy is expressed in a trio of "fourteen generations" (fourteen being the numerical value of David's name). Why emphasize this number?
  • The genealogy lists four women with "spotted" sexual histories. Identify and explain one.
  • Jesus's family must do a great deal of traveling in order to have Jesus's birth fulfill Hebrew messianic prophecy. Give an example of such a detour in chapter 2 or 3.
  • What does this gospel add to the Markan scene in which Satan tempts Jesus? Give one example.
  • Chapters 5-7 list a series of beatitudes ("blessed are") followed by antitheses ("you have heard that...but I say." List one of each.
  • Compare Mark 7:26-30 to the same scene in Matthew 15:22-28. What is changed?
  • In Chapter 10, Jesus gives his disciples their mission. Whom are they to avoid, and why?
  • Matthew 10:16-20 alludes to the conflict Jewish Christians will have had with heads (Pharisees) of synagogues in the 80s CE. What advice does Jesus give his disciples about handling it?
  • In Matt 13, Jesus retells some Markan parables but adds new ones. Give an example.
  • In Matt 18, Jesus gives new advice (not in Mark) about how to treat fellow believers in the future church. Give an example.
  • Compare Matthew 19:8-9 to Mark 10:5-9. What's different?
  • Chapter 23 is a (new) diatribe against the Pharisees for their application of Torah law. It has seven "woes" (literally, "alas"), each detailing a misreading or misapplication of Torah law. Give an example.
  • Chapter 25 has two parables about the end-times. List one.
  • What does Matthew add to the post-death scene (chapter 28)? Give one example.




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